2022 Union Election Information
2022 Election Information
Below are the election results for 2022. Thanks to all who participated.

Nominations Details
April 2022
Dear 614 Brothers & Sisters:
Please find below the information regarding Local 614’s 2022 nominations and election.
Nominations will take place prior to the May 2022 General Meeting:
- Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
- Time: 7:00pm
- Location: IBEW 654 Union Hall [3729 Chichester Ave., Boothwyn, PA 19061]
Anyone desiring to be nominated must be present during the nominations or provide a written and signed statement that he or she will accept the nomination. No member may be a candidate for more than one office. Anyone nominated for more than one office must choose the office for which he or she will be a candidate.
More About Nomination
To be nominated, a member must have a minimum of two years of continuous good standing in Local Union 614. Good standing means that, during the two years preceding nominations, the member was never three months or more behind in paying dues. As per Article III, Section 6(f) of our bylaws, “no apprentice shall be eligible to hold office in the Local Union, except that a member who was previously eligible to hold office in the Local Union shall remain eligible if he/she entered an apprenticeship program for the purpose of upgrading his/her classification.” If you have questions regarding your membership status, please contact Financial Secretary Augie Scafidi: augustinescafidi@614ibew.com.
Nominations will proceed in the order that offices are listed in the IBEW Constitution, whose term of office shall be three years:
- President / Business Manager
- Vice President / Assistant Business Manager
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary
- Recording Secretary
- 7 Executive Board Members

Election Information & Dates
While an election judge will still be appointed at the close of nominations, ballots will be mailed from, returned to, and counted by the American Arbitration Association, a reputable third-party provider. AAA is located at 230 South Broad Street, 12th Floor, Philadelphia PA.
- According to Article II, Section 7(a) of our bylaws, the election of officers shall be conducted by mail ballot.
- Members in good standing shall be mailed an official ballot that will include a pre-addressed envelope to return their vote to the Election Board.
- Ballots will be mailed: Wednesday, June 1
- Ballots are to be returned by: Tuesday, June 21
- Ballots are to be counted: Wednesday, June 22
- Swearing in will take place at the July 2022 General Meeting: Wednesday, July 13
For more information regarding the election process or our bylaws, please visit the Members Resources page of our website: