Member Resources

Local 614 By Laws
The document which controls the operation of the local.
The more details you have the better off you’ll be if you face discipline or discussing a dispute. When an event occurs, note: date, location, witnesses and brief description of time leading up to and through the event.
Useful Informations
2022 Union Election Information
Anyone desiring to be nominated must be present during the nominations or provide a written and signed statement that he or she will accept the nomination. No member…
Forms and Information
Remember, you must first attempt to resolve your complaint with your supervisor prior to filling out the grievance form. If you are not satisfied with the resolution, start the grievance process.
Legal and Financial teams
As members of IBEW Local 614, these resources are available to assist you! Such resources include, workers’ compensation legal team, lawyers and financial support.
Helpful Links
O.S.H.A, N.I.O.S.H, Reference Desk, PA P.U.C., State Legislators and more.
Weingarten Rights
I believe this discussion could lead to my being disciplined. I therefore request that my union representative or officer be present to assist me at the meeting. I further request reasonable time to consult…
Hearing Loss and Asbestos Exposure Information
For more information about hearing loss and asbestos exposure and testing, please click to read more and see links to helpful information.
General Meetings Information